The Miracle League
The first Miracle League field opened in Conyers, Georgia in April 2000. The complex included a custom-designed field with a cushioned rubberized surface to help prevent injuries, wheelchair accessible dugouts, and a completely flat surface to eliminate any barriers to wheelchair-bound or visually impaired players.
“Buddies” assist Miracle League players. These buddies are mainstream children who play baseball, youth church groups, boys and girls scouts to mention a few. As a result the parents, children and volunteers are all brought together — special needs and mainstream alike — in a program which serves them all through service to children with special needs.
The players’ enthusiasm has continued to grow since the opening of the first Miracle League field. Presently there are over 300 Miracle League Organizations across the country, including Puerto Rico, Canada and Australia. The Miracle League is proud to serve over 200,000 children and young adults with disabilities. The thrill of playing, the cheers from the stands, and the friendships the players develop make the Miracle League Field an oasis away from their everyday battles.
Learn more at the National Miracle League website.