Let us answer your questions
Is the Miracle League of Fond du Lac a non-profit?
The Miracle League of Fond du Lac will be a program of Brooke Industries, Inc., which is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt, not-for-profit, charitable organization, making all donations tax deductible, under IRS guidelines.
Where does the League get its funding?
Funding currently is being sought through our community, fundraisers, corporate and local sponsorship, organizations, and grants. Contributions are welcome. Once the Miracle League of Fond du Lac is built there will be a need for team sponsors, league sponsorship donations, and for securing the future of the field.
What is the purpose behind the Miracle League of Fond du Lac?
A Miracle League of Fond du Lac is designed to give individuals with special needs and limited abilities specialized recreational opportunities that are designed to accommodate their needs.
How does the Miracle League of Fond du Lac accommodate all players?
The Miracle League of Fond du Lac accommodates all players by using adaptive equipment, such as a tee for hitting the baseball and Buddies for swinging the bat.
What type of baseball is used? What type of bat?
The official Miracle league baseball is a soft, regulation baseball-sized rubber ball, the kind used in T-Ball. The bats can either be plastic or rubber.
How is a Miracle League different from other recreational facilities?
The Miracle League’s specialized rubber fields are latex free, completely flat, and have no barriers. Bases and pitching mounds are painted onto the surfaces so that there are no raised obstacles like you would find on a typical baseball field. The dugouts are enlarged to accommodate wheelchairs and other apparatus. The base paths, pitching mound, and outfield fence distances are a bit shorter than a typical Little League field. Our field allows easy access for wheelchairs, canes, walkers, crutches, and prosthetic limbs
Is the Miracle League just for kids?
The Miracle field is designed for anyone who uses a wheelchair, cane, walker, crutches, or has prosthetic limbs, including seniors, veterans, Wounded Warriors, and individuals participating in the Special Olympics.
Where will The Miracle League of FDL Field Located?
The Miracle League of FDL Field will be located at Plamore Park (on the corner of Division and Seymour streets in Fond du Lac). The mailing address for the Miracle League of Fond du Lac is Brooke Industries, Inc.,1257 Industrial Parkway, Fond du Lac, WI 54937. The entrance to the parking lot will be off of S. Bell Street. Also at the site, there will be a beautiful, accessible to all, playground and fully accessible restroom and concession facilities. To see the site plan, click on “Who Are We?” in the About section.
Where will I Park at The Miracle League Field
There will be a new parking lot located by the field. Handicapped parking will be available but limited. Once the parking lot is full, there is parking on the streets surrounding the field.
How can I donate to the Miracle League of Fond du Lac?
At this time, donations are being accepted by check. Checks can be made out to Brooke Industries, Inc./Miracle League of Fond du Lac and mailed to Brooke Industries, Inc., 1257 Industrial Parkway, Fond du Lac, WI 54937.
Player Frequently Asked Questions
Volunteer Frequently Asked Questions
What if I have more questions?
We’re always happy to help! Please fill out our contact form online anytime you need a question answered or have feedback for our team.